We do not share a customer or a consumer's health information for any purpose other than the underwriting or claims administration of a customer's policy, unless you expressly authorize it, or unless your insurance policy or contract with us permits us to do so.

Privacy Policy

At Clennon Insurance Agency, your privacy has always been important to us.  We believe keeping your information confidential is a fundamental part of doing business.  We ensure that your privacy is fully protected under the law and we never sell your information to anyone.  Below is a summary of how we collect and use your information.

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We value you as a customer and take your personal privacy seriously.  We will inform you of our policies for collecting, using, securing, and sharing non-public personal financial information ("customer information") the first time we do business and every year that you are a Clennon Insurance customer.


  • We do not sell customer information. We limit the collection and use of customer information to the minimum we require to deliver superior products and service to our customers, and to administer our business.

  • We contractually require any person or organization providing products or services to customers on our behalf to conform to the Standard Mutual Privacy Standards and to protect the confidentiality of customer information.

  • We do not share a customer or a consumer's health information for any purpose other than the underwriting or claims administration of a customer's policy, unless you expressly authorize it, or unless your insurance policy or contract with us permits us to do so.
  • We afford prospective and former customers the same protections as existing customers with respect to the use of customer information.


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(815) 467-6166


We restrict access to customer information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you.  We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to guard your customer information.


We collect customer information about you from the following sources:

  • Information we receive from you on applications or on other forms, through telephone or in-person interviews, your insurance agent, and our customer service unit, such as your address and telephone numbers;

  • Information we receive from your transactions with us, such as your payment history, underwriting, and claim documents;    .

  • Information we receive from other sources, including your employer and other third parties, such as your driving record and claim history; and
  • Information we receive from consumer reporting agencies, such as your credit history.